A-ABC therapeutic parenting (Apr 2025)

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Adolescence, Attachment and Building Connection (A-ABC) is a eight-session course that aims to explore attachment in teenagers, including their brain development, and how this applies to adolescents who have experienced early trauma.

Please note: This cohort of A-ABC is in our new 8-week format. Please pay particular attention to the session dates, timings and the price increase to reflect the increased length of the programme. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Cohort details:

This cohort is planned to start in April 2025.

Session dates:  Tuesdays – 29/04/2025, 06/05/2025, 13/05/2025, 20/05/2025, 03/06/2025, 10/06/2025, 17/06/2025, 24/06/2025

Number of groups available: 2

Times available: Morning (10:00-12:30) or Evening (19:30-22:00)

Course codes: AABCAPR27, AABCAPR28

Cost: £1200 + VAT

Funding deadline: 1 April 2025 *

Make a referral: Click here (please note this form is for social workers/support workers)

* Please note that we require a fully approved ASF application and purchase order by this date. If you intend to self-fund, we will require payment by this date too.

What is A-ABC?

Adolescence, Attachment and Building Connection uses the ideas and influences of experts in attachment, brain development and trauma to explore this stage of development and the specific challenges that we may face in parenting teenagers. This advanced-level therapeutic reparenting programme demonstrates how many of the brain changes that occur during adolescence mean that teenagers lose some of their previous skills and abilities, and introduces the implications of this within a history of attachment and developmental trauma.

How to apply:

If you are a social worker and would like to refer a parent/carer on to our A-ABC programme, please fill out our referral form. If you are an adoptive parent or special guardian, your place might be funded through your Local Authority or Regional Adoption Agency. Please make contact with your social worker, who will be able to advise further. We recommend doing this well in advance of the funding deadline, as it can take some time to secure funding. Please feel free to ask your social worker to contact us for further information too. We will be happy to help. If you intend to self-fund, please make contact with training@gateway-psychology. Our training team will talk through the next steps and get you booked in.

Terms and conditions

Spaces are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. The application form reserves a place on our list, and the funding agreement confirms the place. We cannot confirm a place without the funding agreement, which must be received by the funding deadline. If we receive a funding agreement after the deadline, we cannot guarantee that the participant will be able to attend the course. Please note that spaces are charged per person and not per household. Unregistered participants will be asked to leave the course. If we do not receive all funding agreements by the deadline, we may cancel the course. We may also cancel the course if we do not receive enough applications by the deadline. We require a minimum number of participants for the course to go ahead. If a participant chooses not to attend after the deadline has passed, this is classed as a late-notice cancellation and we will charge for the full amount. Attendance is mandatory. If the majority of sessions are not attended, we will be unable to issue a certificate at the end of the course. If a participant does not attend the sessions, we will still need to charge for the full amount.

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