It is our responsibility to keep the children, young people and families we work with safe
We believe that children must be protected from harm at all times and that every child or young person should be valued, safe and happy.
We safeguard children and young people by:
- Valuing, listening to and respecting them
- Adopting child protection guidelines
- Recruiting staff and volunteers safely
- Sharing information about child protection and good practice
- Sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know
- Involving parents/carers and children appropriately
- Keeping our staff members trained and up-to-date with the latest safeguarding guidelines
What happens if we have a safeguarding concern?
Safeguarding concerns are where a person has:
- behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child;
- possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or
- behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to children
We recognise that providing early help is more effective than reacting later. As such, our staff members are encouraged to report concerns early to the Safeguarding Lead, who will decide whether and who/how to notify the relevant authorities with client confidentiality, data protection and clinical responsibility in mind. Please note that reporting a concern does not necessarily need the child, young person, parent or carer’s consent.
If an allegation of abuse, harm or other safeguarding concern is made against a staff member, associate or volunteer working at Gateway Psychology, this shall be immediately reported to the Safeguarding Lead. (If the allegation is made against the Safeguarding Lead, this should be reported to the Practice Manager). Suspension from duty and/or further actions may be considered by the Safeguarding Lead and Practice Manager if the circumstances warrant.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are Dr Meryl Forse and Dr Rachel Faul
We use MyConcern here at Gateway Psychology. MyConcern allows anyone responsible for the protection of children, young people and adults at risk to easily manage and record all safeguarding and wellbeing concerns. MyConcern also helps to protect those at risk by allowing early intervention using a trusted, secure and intuitive platform.