eTR-UST therapeutic parenting programme

eTR-UST is a foundation level 8-week therapeutic reparenting course for parents and carers of children who have experienced early trauma, abuse or neglect. It is suitable for adoptive parents, SGO carers and foster carers. It is hosted virtually in a group environment using Zoom.

What does the course cover?

  • Introduction to the course as a whole
  • Introduction to the concept of attachment
  • What children gain from a nurturing relationship/attachment
  • The development of the child’s world view and expectations – ‘internal working model’
  • The impact of attachment on brain development
  • Brief introduction to different styles of attachment
  • The impact of inadequate early relationships/attachment experiences on children’s emotions and behaviours
  • Understanding of the puzzling and challenging behaviours frequently displayed by these children
  • Further understanding of the impact of early neglect and trauma on the child’s ‘internal working model’ – and how this relates to insecure attachment styles
  • Further understanding of the impact of early trauma and neglect on a child’s brain development – including the ongoing effects of early, repeated stress
  • Differences between the child’s early experiences and the experiences we would wish to provide for the child
  • Understanding the need for different ways of parenting the child who has had difficult early experiences (specific strategies for therapeutic re-parenting)
  • The importance of a relational foundation to behavioural management strategies
  • The importance of using a Playful, Accepting, Curious and Empathic approach to parenting
  • Introduction to empathy
  • Further attachment-building strategies are discussed and practised in this session:
  • Unconditional positive experiences with your child
  • Discovering and encouraging ways for your child to experience a sense of belonging with you
  • The importance of supporting your child at times of overwhelming emotion (finding ways to de-escalate the situation without minimising the child’s emotional experience)
  • How to manage difficult behaviour and how to get the behaviour you want
  • Commonly used disciplinary methods and how these might be experienced by a child with attachment difficulties
  • The importance of instilling structure and firm boundaries (thinking about commonly used strategies, why these might not work for these children, and how to do it differently)
  • Thinking about the child’s emotional capacity; adapting strategies commonly used with much younger children for use with children of all ages, and particularly at times of high emotion and ‘risk’
  • Reasons behind the child’s puzzling and/or challenging behaviours are revisited, as well as the importance of the foundational relationship-building strategies.
  • The importance of providing the child with teaching opportunities rather than punishment experiences.
  • Choices and consequences
  • Alternatives to commonly used strategies such as ‘time out’
  • The importance of relationship repair
  • Barriers to implementing the strategies for therapeutic re-parenting and ways to overcome them
  • Introduction to the concept of ‘re-enactment’ and the influences (past and present) brought into the relationship by both child and carers
  • The impact of the child’s earlier experiences upon current situations
  • Reflection on the carer’s own ‘stories’ of challenging and emotive situations (no pressure is placed upon anyone to share their experiences with the group)
  • Consideration of the carer’s own particular ‘hot buttons’
  • Ideas and strategies for managing these influences
  • Discussion of the question: ‘Why is it important for you and the child that you look after yourself?’
  • The ‘Container of Stress’ model, and the importance of recognising stress early
  • Introduction to the concept of ‘Blocked Care’, with reference to the effects of stress on the carer’s own ‘parenting brain’
  • Ways to look after oneself

Course details:

Level: Foundation

Number of sessions: Eight, with a complimentary follow-up session

Session length: 2.5 hours

Cost: £1000 + VAT

Dates: Please check our upcoming events

Training is delivered by highly qualified clinical psychologists and therapists with many years’ experience working with trauma and attachment. Exercises, activities, video clips and discussions are used throughout the course to enhance the teaching and content.

eTR-UST: virtual therapeutic parenting course

Our eTR-UST training course offers parents and carers the opportunity to undertake the programme online rather than face-to-face. We endeavour to create the same experience participants might have received when doing this course face-to-face. eTR-UST is hosted virtually, via video conferencing methods. Participants will need a computer or tablet device, internet connection, webcam or device camera and microphone to participate.

Our online therapeutic parenting training courses are hosted live, giving parents and carers the chance to connect with each other and discuss their individual situations. For our next available eTR-UST dates, please visit our upcoming events page or get in touch with us.

What parents and carers think about eTR-UST

would recommend the course to others
found the content useful and informative
valued the expertise of our psychologists

“This course was absolutely brilliant. I feel that all adopters would benefit greatly from completing this course.”

“This is an excellent course. I wish that I had had the opportunity to take it when my children were much younger. In fact, I think it should be offered to all adopters at a time suitable to their circumstances.”

“Excellent course and trainer. I really enjoyed each week – sad to see it finishing! I have learned a lot from [clinician] and will practice all of it! Really insightful for me and for my husband.”

“Found the course extremely useful and have seen a difference in the children’s behaviour when I use the techniques taught.”

“Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic! I cannot say anything more! So useful, I learned a lot.”

“The pace, content was excellent, the course was well developed and delivered and consideration was made to accommodate all parties invited onto the course and during the delivery of the course. I felt comfortable participating via Zoom and felt that there was no pressure during the course. A great course all round.”

“Excellent course, gave us a good understanding of what we need to work on to help and assist our child.”

“Both me and my girlfriend have ADHD and although 10-12.30 is a long time to sit still for, the break in the middle help- videos- slides- the snacks that come in the pack- the understanding from all who run it, that if we needed to come off video or whatever, then thats ok. Was just so much more understanding AND understanding of our little ones trauma and different issues and requirements.”

“It has been a valuable experience which is literally changing our lives. Thank you.”

“I liked the content and how it explained the concept using videos and explanations from the staff. The course leader was very knowledgeable and friendly. She made everyone feel they could contribute as much as they felt comfortable with. It is a totally new way for us to parent and I think it’s going to be very positive for us as a family.”

Upcoming eTR-UST programmes


Our eTR-UST courses are designed to be an informative, interactive and interesting way for parents or carers to learn more about parenting children who have experienced early trauma, abuse or neglect.

All of the sessions incorporate specialist input from highly qualified clinical psychologists and therapists. As well as teaching, participants will also have the opportunity to take part in small group and individual exercises, as well as general group discussions, providing participants with maximum opportunity to understand and practice theories, ideas and skills.

This course is facilitated over eight weekly sessions of 2.5 hours per session. There will be a ninth follow up session held 3 4 months after the conclusion of the course. This is a complimentary session and optional for participants to attend.

Training is delivered by highly qualified clinical psychologists and therapists with many years’ experience working with trauma and attachment. Exercises, activities, video clips and discussions are used throughout the course to enhance the teaching and content.

eTR-UST is hosted virtually, via video conferencing methods. Participants will need a computer or tablet device, internet connection, webcam or device camera and microphone to participate.

Face-to-face TR-UST is hosted at our purpose-built training venue in Stoke-on-Trent.

eTR-UST is aimed at parents and carers of children and young people who have experienced trauma, abuse and neglect. It is particularly well suited to:

  • Adoptive parents
  • SGO carers
  • Kinship carers
  • Foster carers

However, all parents and carers are welcome to join the TR-UST/eTR-UST course. It is beneficial to parents and carers of children of any age (from birth to young adulthood).

Please note that attendance is mandatory for all sessions.

Each session builds upon the knowledge learned from the previous week and it is unfortunately not possible for us to catch up on missed sessions. We would not be able to issue a certificate of attendance if the majority of sessions are not attended.

  • A laptop or mobile device (laptops are preferred, as they provide a better experience)
  • Webcam or inbuilt camera device
  • Microphone (usually inbuilt to device)
  • Internet or mobile data connection
  • A full technology guide is provided to participants before the course begins.

We offer participants the opportunity to test their tech with us before the course begins. Contact us to arrange a practice session.

Social workers or other professionals are welcome to refer parents and carers to our eTR-UST courses. Please get in touch with us by email to let us know you will be making a referral. We will ask you to fill out our referral form. We will arrange the registration forms with the participants.

Funding confirmation (full ASGSF approval and a purchase order) is usually required 4 weeks before the course start date. We cannot confirm places without full funding approval.

Yes, you are welcome to self-fund a place on our eTR-UST courses. Payment is required before the course begins.

Please apply using the application form link sent to you by our admin team. Please note that we need your application form to secure a provisional place on the list. If we do not have your application form, you might not be able to attend.

If you are an adoptive parent, foster carer or special guardian, your place might be funded through the Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund. If this is the case, your social worker will need to approve your interest in the course and make an application to the ASGSF. Please contact your Local Authority or Regional Adoption Agency for more information.

Funding can take some time to be approved. It is usually best to arrange this well in advance of the funding deadline to avoid missing out.

Spaces are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.